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It feels like the Mc is a bit too afraid of everything. Thats a little bit off if you ask me.

para cuando el español?


Why does it start of with Molly saying she doesn't know anything about MCs family and five minutes later he calls her mom and the neighbours turned to sisters? What happened to consistency in writing?


Bye  harem players, welcome sharing players ...  R.I.P


In what way is there sharing? Is it not avoidable?


There is only one scene in the game with sharing and it is totally avoidable.


But you've already admitted you're adding more of this trash to the game. Don't pretend it's isolated when it obvious where this is going.

I would like to ask the author, the gameHow many hours can I play?When can I finish this game?

Hi, I can't tell you exactly how long our game takes to complete.

¿Está en español


your game is top I of course understand that you will not have this path that ms will watch how other guys are having sex with his girls not which I love so much in games


question to the author, have you thought about giving your game to steam, I would buy it there?)

Hi! We already tried to put our game on Steam. We didn't manage to release it there, we already had a page with a trailer and everything, but we were rejected at the last moment, it didn't pass the censorship check. We were informed that our game was not suitable for Steam.

and did you find out why you were rejected and why you did not pass this censorship for your game


Most of games here on  that i play i will say this, most i tend to just skip through the text to get to the good bits lol but in this game i am actually intrigued in the story and i read all. This game actually has a good story and to top it of the scenes and gals look amazing so im giving five stars all round for this game and Hats of to the developer.

I have looked everywhere to see if I can find it.. Does anyone know what the music is called that plays during the dreams and night?

It's probably "drydrop" by SougetsuOn.

Thank you! Also I love the game so much by the way! Especially the mom! 

... When Annie wants to see MCs dick he turns into an absolute fucking pig!

this game have Chinese translate? owo

Hi! Our game doesn't have an official Chinese translation. But one of our players made a semi-automatic translation into Chinese. You can find the link in our discord in the info section.

Is it possible for you to upload fans' Chinese translations to qwq

No, we can't do that at the moment.


The game has bondage,CBT,pegging?




Im confused  is it sister or neighbor  because  both  are said. Shame if its stuck as neighbor.

for legal and squeemish people reasons it probably says neighbor, but apparently there's a taboo patch somewhere online like F95 or whatever.
Personally i get why the option exists, but there's a difference between a game fantasy from another MC's perspective (not yours) and reality.


Hay KING How along the way is this game like how much is left Intel its complete.

Ps if it sounds like I'm asking in a demanding tone I'm not sorry.

Hi, I can't say for sure, but it will definitely take us at least one to two years to finish the game.

Ok ty for replying I was just curious to see if it was going to be a long game that keeps getting updated thanks 

Hello King .. I am now on version 3.0, if I pay $ 5, will I get  3.6 + Including previous versions ?

Hi! Yes.


I want to try this game next..Can i ask if this game is already complete?

The game is still in development.

Please tell me, will this game be available on steam?

Hi! We already tried to put our game on Steam. We didn't manage to release it there, we already had a page with a trailer and everything, but we were rejected at the last moment, it didn't pass the censorship check. We were informed that our game was not suitable for Steam.


Just came across this project and I was interested in supporting it until I checked the comments. NTR and sharing are a hard pass.


There is no NTR in our game, and sharing is only in one scene and it's optional. But that's totally fine if you don't want to support us. After all, that's why we uploaded our game for free on itch, so that everyone could play it and decide if they like our game or not.


Hi, why don't you just make the game available for purchase?


Um Pirot King will there be pregnancy added to the game or has already be added to the game?


Hi, there is no pregnancy content in the game at the moment. I can't say for sure right now if pregnancy content will be added to the game or not.


Just so you know Pirot King. There are a lot of us out here that look for this "Fetish" subject. My personal interests in this stem from how beautiful a woman with a baby bump is. But I also want to see how the developer carries the storyline when the MC goes on a spree knocking up every girl in his harem.. What will life be like for a MC with that kind of foundation and then having to support all of those rugrats crawlin and then runnin around driving him and his harem flat out KNUTXZ.. Lots of fun to be had. Unless the reality of what is going on is first in someone else's mind.. I mean. Raizin kids aint cheap! I only raized 3 and thinkin about raizin a dozen or more! OMFG!!!! Have to be a 6 digit a month earner to support half as many in today's world!! LOL


You'll be able to have other men get the girls pregnant with your "optional" bait & switch content.


Sharing your girl in the glory hole is so cuck. This story died in a single update ... Anyway


Well, you have an obvious choice about what to do in this scene. You could have gone the other route and not let it happen. In fact, in that case, Rin would have been grateful to you for stopping her. :)


Too many red flags, hard pass


Can you please let me know if there will be any future updates that involve sharing rin with other men? The current plot is gradually getting out of my tolerance, and as a gallery collector, I have to be mentally prepared if I have to see this kind of plot


The main idea of this update was to show how Selene's powers affect Rin. How it pushes her to do more and more reckless things. We don't plan on making Rin's root and our game all about sharing and swinging. We want to show that Rin's mental boundaries are getting thinner, and it's in the hands of the MC how low she'll stoop. In that sense, that glory hole scene served as a tool to accomplish that goal, not as the start of a new sharing or swinger branch.
That said, maybe we'll add 1-2 more sharing/swinger scenes, provided MC made the right choices in the glory hole scene, as a logical progression of that route in Rin's mind (The player will always have the option of not allowing it). If MC stopped her, she simply wouldn't do it. We would also like to point out that we've stated many times that our game does not and will not have NTR content.


Hahaha! lol

thank you

Deleted post

Guess I'm out. Thanks for being open and best of luck.

(1 edit) (+9)(-1)

This was done as a test to see how much financial support you would get for that content plain and simple.


That's one of the things I look for in developers with their games. I respect that you offer the "Option" to play or avoid a specific way of play. Some fetishes are not for all. Allowing us to choose is the best sign of a developer trying their best to provide options and a game with fetish play that meets more gamer interests while still allowing those of us who do NOT follow or enjoy a certain fetish to avoid that fetish in the game as we play it. Those who do not see it this way should pay better attention to the details. This game does provide choices for players that many games DO NOT offer. NTR, Cucking, and Sharing are among some of the more hated with some while most enjoyed by others. Having a hard core or vanilla option related to these is by far the most appealling offering any developer can provide and allows for a much wider player group.


Yikes...that sucks to hear.

(1 edit) (+3)

Only scum devs bait & switch 6 years into development and pretend it's "optional" and/or "part of the plot".

Написано, что игра поддерживает русский язык, но в настройках нет, получается только английский?

Переключить язык можно в главном меню, в правом нижнем углу.

Спасибо, непривычное место... Не заметил.


When will Lin's follow-up be continued? I really want to see the forest.

Just got to the Selene's World after getting Rin riding you when she goes out for a walk and has you tell her to do something, (the second image on the wall here) and i could swear I know this music that is playing and I want to say it's from SaGa Frontier. Thought I'd just come here and say awesome choice on the music!

(1 edit)

So I'm a bit confused. For one thing, they're not neighbors they're roommates. They live in the same house. On the other hand, they're not really family, as I understand it, and yet sometimes mom, or brother, or sister come over. Do I just not understand something or is that just confusing and actually wrong?


can i fix the two characters that are obviously sisters, calling themselves neighbors?

get the taboo patch online.


Great game, but the History Feature has white text and a white BG.


Thanks! We'll fix it.


I unable to run the game on my Mac. even after chmod +x. any tips anyone


did not like any of the characters, both appearance and character, but especially appearance, maybe a little rough to compare with another game, but absolutely any heroine from eternum appearance (and character) is more attractive than all the heroines of this game. Mc is also uninteresting, he has no story, just a lucky guy who was lucky enough to be reborn and gain powers that he doesn't even know how to use properly. This is just my subjective opinion and everyone has their own.


I support Eternum.  I support this game also.  Eternum uses AI generated cartoonish characters which were made by someone other than Caribdis.  You can find nearly identical characters in other games.  This uses DAZ generated characters which are much closer to real life.  It is just personal preference as to which you like better.  The characters in this game are very well done.  Some of the best DAZ renders out there.

The Mac version downloads but does not run. Not even after I go to terminal and chmod -x

i got an error code trying to run the game for the first time did i do something wrong

[Error -5 while decompressing data: incomplete or truncated stream]


(1 edit)

Can we change relationships? Also when do you make decisions? lol

is this a harem type game?




This game is so fucking good, no wonder why its called "my best deal" 



(1 edit) (+7)(-15)

To begin with, why is the MC so obsessed with the idea that the girls are his mother and sister?

They are NOT!!! The MC is a completely different soul stuck into a different body. And, despite what Selene said in the beginning, the MC's thoughts CLEARLY show that he remembers that event just fine. So they are just horny women surrounding him. It's every bit as moronic as "Oh, no, it's so inappropriate for me to be attracted to my ROOMMATE." "How can I have thoughts like THAT about my LANDLADY" Because it's EXACTLY that.

You have a landlady, and two roommates. Sure, THEY think that you are related to them, but YOU KNOW that you are NOT!!! And if the LANDLADY and the ROOMMATES aren't bothered by the idea of an incestuous relationship, then why is the MC being such a bitch about it?

For Christ's sake, there is an Asian mom, two Asian sisters, and a Caucasian "son." Clearly they are NOT related!

Then there is the "quality" writing:

"Mom, I don't even know what college I am supposed to attend."

"Go down the street, get on a bus, then take a train."

So, what you're saying, is that there is ONE bus line, ONE train line, and ONE college in this city. The MC has fucking amnesia (the lazy writer's catch all McGuffin), HOW would those "directions" help him? You couldn't even figure out that the mom having the sisters show him how to get to the college that they ALL attend would be the most logical response.

On top of that:

A goddess gives you the power of seduction. And she tells you that she needs your help regaining her powers, by "spreading love" with said power of seduction.

And, ignoring the little pussy's abject terror at being able to make three UNRELATED women horny, he is still a little fucking pussy with EVERY FUCKING GIRL IN THE FUCKING GAME!!!

"Oh, gosh, oh, gee, I shouldn't let myself touch ANY girl ever. They are gross and have cooties." Sure, that ain't a direct quote, but it's pretty much how he behaves.

The ONLY person in all of creation more stupid than this MC is the goddess that pinned her hopes for redemption on this closeted homo.

And, yeah, yeah, yeah, they will ALL become his personal fucktoys before it's all over. But who fucking cares? I have to endure the whiny pussy to get to the fun times. And this MC should have been pushed in front of the train, not allowed to step into it.

Furthermore, it is a kinetic visual novel. Which means that I don't get ANY control or agency in the story. I can't reject a girl, and I can't focus on a girl. I am stuck reading EVERY bit of stupidity that this BAD writer will write.

And, since it's a kinetic novel, I can't even "skip" the idiotic text boxes, and just watch the sex. Because without choices, the "skip" button will never stop skipping.

After Selene sent the MC off to begin this game, my favorite part was deleting it from my drive!


cope harder then


Hey! Genius! Is there a Thug behind you? Pointing a Weapon to your Head? Do you have the Choice to play or die? If you don´t like it - just quit. It doesn´t mean you can not be a critic, but you don´t have to be an Asshole about it. So - for this special Situation... just shut the Fuck up Moron!

привет можно спросить в игру можно беременность добавить со всеми с богинями тоже и очень ждём новую версию 👍👍👍

Привет! Насчет беременности пока точно не можем сказать, возможно мы добавим её в будущем.

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