My Best Deal v2.7 Public Update!

Guys! New update of the public version of My Best Deal v2.7 is already here!

We took this update very seriously, because we were finally able to really get close to Annie. But we don't want to tell you too much, because what awaits you in the update is better to see in person!

You can learn about all the major changes in v2.7 from the changelog:

  • 90 new pictures added.
  • 8 new animations added.
  • Added new scene with Annie.
  • Added new scene to the gallery.
  • Added two new statues to our Pantheon: Brandon and Stian Moby Nilson.
  • Fixed some bugs and mistakes in Pantheon.
  • Fixed some other bugs in previous versions.

Thanks for your support, and thanks again for playing our game! 


My Best Deal v2.8 - win& 4 GB
Version 2.7 May 11, 2024
My Best Deal v2.8 - 4 GB
Version 2.7 May 11, 2024
My Best Deal v2.8- 1 GB
Version 2.7 May 11, 2024

Get My Best Deal


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Uhm... could it be you mixed things up a bit? I have 2.7 from itch and my last saves are from february 5th and yes, so far I've only consumed the (excellent) free version.

I don't quite understand where you think we might have gotten things mixed up. Saves are automatically transferred from one version to another, so if you have played previous versions, you should still have your old saves.

Ah, yeah, I'm aware of the save file transfer, that wasn't what I meant. I already had v2.7, played it and then downloaded it again and noticed the same version number, so I went to check when I last played.

So, TL:DR I'm very certain you had released v2.7 somewhen around late January/early February 2024 and are now releasing it again.

That's weird. The previous update on itch was in late December, so I don't know why you have these saves.

December might check out, I don't check for updates too regularly, so a month off is not unusual.